Application for the Correction of
the Coast Guard Record of:
BCMR Docket No. 2000-104
ANDREWS, Attorney-Advisor:
This proceeding was conducted under the provisions of section 1552 of
title 10 and section 425 of title 14 of the United States Code. It was docketed on
March 27, 2000, when the application was completed by the receipt of the
applicant’s military records.
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case.
This final decision, dated January 4, 2001, is signed by the three duly
The applicant, a xxxxxxxx in the Coast Guard who retired on xxxxxxx
1999, asked the Board to correct block 13 on his discharge form DD 214 to show
that he received a Meritorious Service Medal. He also asked the Board to correct
block 14 to show that he attended two educational programs while on active
duty: “Covey Training Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and “Covey
Leadership Training—Principle-Centered Leadership.”
In support of his
application, he submitted a copy of the citation for the medal and copies of two
certificates from the Covey Leadership Center indicating that he successfully
completed the courses.
On October 5, 2000, the Chief Counsel of the Coast Guard submitted an
advisory opinion in which he stated that the Coast Guard had granted partial
relief administratively by issuing a DD Form 215. The form corrected the appli-
cant’s DD 214 to show that he was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. He
submitted a copy of the DD 215 showing the addition of the medal to block 13.
The Chief Counsel recommended that the Board deny the applicant’s
request to add mention of the two Covey courses to block 14 of his DD 214. He
stated that under Chapter 1.E.14. of COMDTINST M1900.4D, only schools and
training courses listed in Enclosure 8 of the Personnel, Pay, and Procedures
Manual may be cited on a DD 214 when successfully completed by a member.
He stated that the list in Enclosure 8 does not include any courses offered by the
Covey Leadership Center.
The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of
the applicant's military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submissions,
and applicable law:
The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to sec-
tion 1552 of title 10 of the United States Code. The application was timely.
The Coast Guard has already granted part of the relief requested by
the applicant by correcting his DD 214 to include mention of his Meritorious
Commandant Instruction M1900.4D governs the preparation of DD 214s.
Under Chapter 1.E. of the instruction, block 13 is supposed to include “all
decorations, medals, badges, commendations, citations, and campaign ribbons
awarded or authorized for all periods of service,” as well as Good Conduct
Awards, Purple Hearts, and Navy or Armed Forces Expeditionary Medals.
Chapter 1.E. also provides that block 14, “Military Education,” of the DD
214 shall cite “formal service schools and in-service training courses in [the
Personnel, Pay, and Procedures Manual] … successfully completed during the
period of service covered by the form … e.g., medical and dental, electronics,
supply administration, personnel, or heavy equipment operations.”
Enclosure 8 of the Personnel, Pay, and Procedures Manual lists thousands
of training courses. The Covey classes completed by the applicant are not listed.
Also absent from the list are two of the fourteen classes that are cited in block 14
of the applicant’s DD 214: “Dale Carnegie Course Laboratory Class” and “Super-
visory Awareness of Sexual Harassment.”
Service Medal. Therefore, no further action is required by the Board with respect
to the medal.
The two Covey classes completed by the applicant do not appear
on the list of recognized service schools and training courses in the Personnel,
Pay, and Procedures Manual. Under Chapter 1.E. of COMDTINST M1900.4D,
only courses that are listed in the manual and successfully completed by the
member should appear on a DD 214. Therefore, the Coast Guard committed no
error when it omitted mention of the Covey classes on the applicant’s DD 214.
Although block 14 on the applicant’s DD 214 does mention two
courses (“Dale Carnegie Course Laboratory Class” and “Supervisory Awareness
of Sexual Harassment”) that are not listed in the Personnel, Pay, and Procedures
Manual, this apparently erroneous inclusion does not prove that the exclusion of
the Covey classes from block 14 was unjust.
Accordingly, the applicant’s request regarding the inclusion of two
Covey classes in block 14 of his DD 214 should be denied.
The application of retired XXXXXXXXX, USCG, for correction of his
military record, is hereby denied.
Stephen H. Barber
Donna L. O'Berry
Karen L. Petronis
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• • • On April 24, 1995, the applicant enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve. of the Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29B, states that creditable service for pay purposes includes “all periods of active duty inactive service … in any Regular or Reserve component.” However, Chapter 2.B.4.a. However, the 1995 RATMAN defines an “anniversary year” as extending “from the date of entry or reen- try to the day preceding the anniversary of entry or reentry” and the 1997 RPM states that a reservist’s...
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In support of her allegations, the applicant submitted a copy of a Coast Guard Reserve identification card, which was issued to her on August 19, 2004, and which shows that she was a PO2 (petty officer, second class) in pay grade E-5. An application to the Board must be filed within three years after the applicant discovers, or reasonably should have discovered, the alleged error in her record.1 Although the applicant claimed that she discovered the alleged error in June 2010, she must have...
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He asked that his narrative reason for separa- tion be changed to “honorable.” On March 27, 2003, after reviewing the record, the DRB concluded that the applicant was not suitable for service in the Coast Guard but might be able to serve in another Service under circumstances where claustrophobia is not an issue. Instead, the Medical Manual and the DSM classify such phobias as anxiety disorders or panic disorders, which are not personality disorders.9 Because the applicant was never...
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